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    Current location:home - PRODUCT - Arc Track Ship loader Introduction
    Arc Track Ship loader Introduction
    release time:2016-12-16 11:10:36  read:1117

    Arc track ship loader

    Overall machine constitutes of chute system, boom system, the door frame poles, boom telescope winch, belt conveyor system, traveling system, rear slewing bearing system, windproof anchoring, drive cab, electric cabinet, electric sysytem, platform walkway, dust device, etc.

    The working principle of the machine: the feeding point of slewing support center feeds after rear feeding belt conveyor aligning with shiploader, the materials will be conveyed to the haed part through the belt conveyor on the ship loader and loading by the telescope chute. In the process of loading, it can be completed on the different forms of the ship in the cabin length and cabin width of the coverage in all directions through the ship loader travel, boom telescope operate alone or in combination to achieve the loading. In addition telescopic chute winch, the boom luffing action can be adapted to different water levels and was loaded ship material height changes.


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