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    Current location:home - PRODUCT - Stacker
    Side Cantilever reclaimer- Stacker
    release time:2016-12-16 8:54:54  read:1605

    Side cantilever stacker

    The stacker is that the material be discharged into the cantilever tape machine by the feeding tape, utilizing the traveling car walks to and fro, the material will be piled in the yard, in the process of stacking, the cantilever tape machine rises constantly, until up to the desired height of the stack and then carring out another stacking operation.

    The stacker is mainly composed of cantilever part, hydraulic system, discharging damper, bracket, traveling mechanism, angle control unit, discharing  hopper, chamber of driver, power cable reel, control cable reel (wireless microwave control), discharging trolley, orbits, cable trough and hinge joint bearing. etc.


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